Maddox Defense Completes 72 Million Covid Test Kit Logistics Contract with DLA for HHS and the ASPR Ahead of Schedule


30 Mar 2023
Maddox Defense Completes 72 Million Covid Test Kit Logistics Contract with DLA for HHS and the ASPR Ahead of Schedule

March 30, 2023 - Maddox Defense is proud to announce that it has successful..

2 Jan 2022

HOUSTON, Jan. 2, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- As of Dec. 1, 2020, Maddox Defens..

25 Nov 2020
Maddox Defense Wins Bid to Provide Reliable Quality PPE for the U.S. Government

PRESS RELEASE  UPDATED: NOV 25, 2020 SAN DIEGO, November 25, 2..

3 Dec 2012
Maddox Defense (MD) FALKON DPV (Desert Patrol Vehicle): Lean, Green and Very Mean Hydrogen Fuel/Biofuel Fast Attack Vehicle/Light Tactical Vehicle (FAV/LTV) Baja Racer

By David Crane defrev (at) gmail (dot) com All photos and the top/first..

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